a really hearty breakfast.


I had things to say all week but now I’m just sitting here, wrapped thickly by Youth’s dark melodies, the night dipping lower and lower yet, and I am wondering why the hell I’m not in bed when I told myself I would be by midnight. The bunches of muscle in my shoulders building up, forever erect, forever tense. Oh Passion Pit is playing and suddenly nothing matters much anymore, I guess ‘the lightness of being’ yes? Kundera you have some of my heart. 


My love was craving hollandaise sauce for months and pecking at me to make it so I finally did.  Bought a couple of bagels (I didn’t make those but I’m not ashamed because they tasted absolutely lovely), rocket leaves, a packet of smoked salmon (yes store bought as well hmmmm), cream cheese and whipped up a substantial brunch that sustained us till evening. Those white wine mushrooms are so delicious. I am drooling just thinking of this breakfast.


For the hollandaise:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 70g butter, melted
  • pinch salt

Vigorously whisk the yolks and lemon juice in a stainless steel bowl until the mixture thickens and doubles in volume. Place the bowl over a saucepan of barely simmering water (the base of the bowl shouldn’t touch the water). Continue whisking rapidly. Don’t let the water get too hot or your eggs will scramble. Just keep whisking.

Slowly drizzle in the melted butter and continue to whisk until the sauce thickens and doubles in volume. Remove from heat and whisk in a pinch of salt. Cover and place in a warm spot until ready to use. If the sauce gets too thick, whisk in a coupla drops of warm water.

Recipe adapted from http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tyler-florence/hollandaise-sauce-recipe/index.html

For the poached egg:

  • egg
  • water
  • vinegar
  • paper towel/piece of crusty bread

Leave the paper towel/crusty bread beside your stove. Heat a pot with a few inches of water in it. Add a splash of vinegar. This helps tighten up the egg. When you are poaching your egg you don’t want boiling water or simmering water – the water should be at the point right before it simmers. Just adjust the temperature so that the water doesn’t start boiling over. It’s not difficult.

Break your egg into a small dish, so it’s easier for you to slide it in and for it to come together later. Make a whirlpool with your spoon – this helps to keep the egg together. Now slide the egg into the middle of this whirlpool and watch it come together. Do not worry if bits of white fly off. Mine came apart so I used my spoon to slowly guide the whites so it wrapped around nicely. Let is cook for about three to four minutes – you want an egg that wobbles a little when nudged with a spoon.

Use a slotted spoon (I used a sieve) to scoop the egg out and place it on your paper towel/crusty bread to let it drain. Some people don’t like to risk having bits of paper towel sticking to the egg, and prefer to use bread as an absorbent. Place this beautiful egg on your plate and pepper-salt it or in my case, drown it in a generous serving of creamy hollandaise.

Recipe adapted from http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2008/08/how-to-poach-an-egg-smitten-kitchen-style/

For the mushrooms:

  • 12-14 large mushrooms
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4-6 tbsp virgin olive oil
  • 177ml white wine (I gave it a coupla splashes, and eyeballed the amount)
  • pinch of salt

Clean your mushrooms, remove stems, and slice. I used white button mushrooms. Heat oil on medium heat. When hot, add minced garlic. Before garlic browns, add mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring to coat mushrooms with oil.

Pour in white wine and stir. Leave it to cook for about 5 minutes or so. Mushrooms will darken and shrink. Add salt to taste.

Recipe adapted from http://spanishfood.about.com/od/sidedishes/r/setasconajo.htm

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